

ماعليكم امر ساعدوني

الهنوف محمد

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
صباح/مساء الخير
اتمنى تكونوا في احسن حال
تكفون عطوني تعبير انجليزي عن (المطعم المفضل )
بكرة عندي اختبار من 4-5 جمل تكفون الله يعافيكم عليه 5درجات وانا محتاجتها


مراقبة إدارية
مراقبة عامة
[FONT=&quot]My favorite restaurant is ......[/FONT][FONT=&quot], in this place serves Italian food. It is a small and comfortable place located in ..... I love to eat pizza, I really like pasta for this reason it is my best option to choose. However, in this place served delicious food like spaghettis, lasagna and others. When I get hungry, immediately I think in this place to eat. Almost always, I eat supreme pizza with a cold Ice tea. It is my favorite place to eat because in others place I don’t like the way that the waitress take the orders, when served the food long time after or they are miserable. When I finish the meal, I go out so.[/FONT]