اسالكم بالله حلولي هذي الجمل صح ابي بس حلها صحححــــــــــــححححح تكفوووووون
shakespear wrote that plays. (Change into passive)-1
The stories have been rewritten in easy English. (report this speech)-2
yes,he goes to school. (Ask aquestion)-3
John is (OLD)than Alice. (Compare bettween them)-4
While he_____,aman_____at the door. (sleep/call)-5
We Saw Sara While we were Standing at the bus stop.(Begin with while)-6
تكفوووووووووووووووووووووووووون حلووولها صح
shakespear wrote that plays. (Change into passive)-1
The stories have been rewritten in easy English. (report this speech)-2
yes,he goes to school. (Ask aquestion)-3
John is (OLD)than Alice. (Compare bettween them)-4
While he_____,aman_____at the door. (sleep/call)-5
We Saw Sara While we were Standing at the bus stop.(Begin with while)-6
تكفوووووووووووووووووووووووووون حلووولها صح