

I need your help please.

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
Assalamu alykum my dear brothers and sisters

I've been advise to target this website where co-operative people are likely to be found. I'm an English language teacher and I will start my PhD study this coming October 2010 in the UK. I mentioned in the title of this message that your help is needed and really it is. Actually, for my PhD study I will need to collect data to be examined. Anyway, I might spare the rest of details to ladies/gentlemen who generously will be interested in taking part and provide the needed help.

To summarise, if you believe that you can SPEAK a good English , please don't hesitate to contact me and all information, details, and evidences will be clearly explained. In addition, your participation will be explained to clearly and it will be a 100% anonymous.
Please, my time is really pressing and your help is really matters alot.

N.B. Both genders are welcome to take part and of the same value.

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
Dear brothers and sisters,

Assalamu alykum

I've been advised to target this website where co-operative people are likely to be found. I'm an English language teacher and I will start my PhD study this coming October 2010 in the UK. I mentioned in the title of this message that your help is needed and really it is. Actually, for my PhD study I will need to collect data to be examined. Anyway, I might spare the rest of details to ladies/gentlemen who generously will be interested in taking part and provide the needed help.

To summarise, if you believe that you can SPEAK a good English , please don't hesitate to contact me and all information, details, and evidences will be clearly explained. In addition, your participation will be explained to clearly and it will be a 100% anonymous.
Please, my time is really pressing and your help is really matters alot.

N.B. Both genders are welcome to take part and of the same value.

All the best,


a TeaCher

عضو ملتقى المعلمين
وعليكم السلام والرحمه ،

It's my pleasure to participate with you .. it sounds interesting although I didn't get the point of your study ?

consider me in .. Good luck with your ph.D

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
وعليكم السلام والرحمه ،

It's my pleasure to participate with you .. it sounds interesting although I didn't get the point of your study ?

consider me in .. Good luck with your ph.D
Many thanks in advance. The idea is so simple , it will be a casual conversation about any topic the speakers prefer to discuss. This conversation is first recorded to be then transcribes and get the *******(the language)analysed by me.
Hope I clarified it a bit for you.
Looking forward hearing from you.

a TeaCher

عضو ملتقى المعلمين

Do you mean I can record a conversation with a partner and discusse a subject
sounds good to me, but I'm not native so ,, there will be several mistakes I suppose .

I'll talk about invironment ..

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
I'm not surprised for your positive reaction,,,,,many thanks in advance.

I think the idea becomes clearer to you now.
I don't know if I can post my mobile number or email address here to start the actual step!!!!

a TeaCher

عضو ملتقى المعلمين
you're welcome ..

I believe you can send your request to the Admin here ..

And with god willing , I'll try my best ..