

سجل الفترة التحضيرية وبداية جادة

فهد العتيبي

مراقب عام
مراقب عام
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لايخفى عليكم أهمية إستعداد إدارة المدرسة لبداية جادة للعام الدراسي .. ونجاح أي مدرسة يعتمد على نجاح مدير/ة المدرسة في قدرته/ ا على وضع خطة منظمة وتوزيع العمل وتكوين اللجان المنظمة للأعمال وذلك قبل عودة الطلاب أو الطالبات ... وتكون المدرسة على أتم الإستعداد لأستقبال الطلاب او

الطالبات وتنفيذ الحصص الدراسية منذ اليوم الأول بل الحصة الأولى ...

وفيما يلي خطة لبداية جادة للعام الدراسي ...

ولذلك لابد ان يثق او تثق مدير/ة المدرسة كل عمل يقوم / تقوم به

لذلك كان لنا وقفة مع هذه البداية وتوزيع الخطوات والاعمال
وتكوين اللجان

واحببت ان افيدكم في تجهيز هذه الفترة

لذا اقدم لكم ( سجل الفترة التحضيرية )


وبالتوفيق للجميع ..

منقول بفكرة صاحب الموضوع .. م . س. و. ن

بارق نجد

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين


تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين

From the slums to the Oscars ??????????? ???DAVID BATRAM, 21ST CENTURY STA ???2009-02-02???21??????789?Jamal (Dev Patel) is finally reunited with Latika (Freida Pinto).??????heart-wrenching ?????rags-to-riches ??????rupee ??slum ???be suckered into ????tattered ???, ???COULD an 18-year-old orphan who never went to school win the toughest quiz show on TV? This is the basic idea of Slumdog Millionaire. The film has become a global sensation since cleaning up at the Golden Globes — the Hollywood foreign press association's favorite picks — winning four awards. It is being heavily tipped for Oscar success next month.Slumdog is quite literally a rags-to-riches story. Jamal Malik, played by British actor Dev Patel, is forced to wear tattered clothes throughout his childhood after being orphaned and left with nothing.And the riches? Just a little matter of 20 million rupees (2.8 million yuan) on offer if he can win at the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?The film opens with Jamal close to the prize. But the police are suspicious. Surely he must be cheating. How else would a wow power leveling boy who has grown up in India's slums have such good knowledge?But as the story of Jamal's life is told, it is revealed how each of the questions relates to an incident from his childhood. After clearing his **** he is left with one last question to answer in order to win — and the love of his life to find.Slumdog is the ultimate wow power leveling feel-good film. Watching Jamal struggle through life in the slums of Mumbai is genuinely heart wrenching. By the end of the film, I found myself willing him on to get the final question right and be reunited with his childhood sweetheart, Latika.Why is the film such a cheap archlord gold surprise candidate for the Oscars? The film is British made, and set fully in India. Both of these countries normally have to struggle to make an impact in Hollywood.But Slumdog has not been without its critics. Alice Miles wrote in The Times that it was wrong to use other people's poverty as archlord online gold entertainment. "When we are suckered into enjoying scenes of horror among children in slums on the other side of the world, we ought to question where our moral compass is pointing," she said.Regardless, most of India has reacted positively. Indian filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar told the UK's Telegraph, "It is an excellent film which depicts real poverty and real life in India." One Indian newspaper ran the headline, Indian tale catches global fancy.But Oscar success is archlord power leveling not a given. When the nominations are announced on February 22, Slumdog is expected to face stiff competition from The Dark Knight, starring the late Heath Ledger, as well as The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, a historical drama starring Brad