

تحضير جغرافيا وتاريخ ووطنية ثالث متوسط ف1

فهد العتيبي

مراقب عام
مراقب عام
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

أقدم لكــــــم تحضير تاريخ وجغرافيا ووطنية لثالث متوسطـ ..

الفصل الأول

وان شاء الله يحوز على رضاكــــــــــــــم

ولاتنسوني من صالح دعائكم لي ولوالدي ..

تفضلوووو المرفقات .:36_15_4[1]:


تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
but not the nothing but

We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favor received.Mother liked Roger because he was fun, paid attention to me, and was generous. He paid for her to come home to see me several times when she was in New Orleans, and he probably paid for the train trips Mammaw and I took to see Mother.Papaw liked Roger because he was nice both to me and to him. For a while after my grandfather quit the icehouse because of severe bronchial problems, he ran a liquor store. Near the end of the war, Hempstead County, of which Hope is the county seat, voted to go dry. Come and buy world of warcraft power leveling, free wow power leveling web . warcraft gold webpage! Thats when my grandfather opened his grocery store. I later learned that Papaw sold liquor under the counter to the doctors, lawyers, and other respectable people who didnt want to drive the thirty-three miles to the nearest legal liquor store in Texarkana, and that Roger was his supplier.Mammaw really disliked Roger because she thought he was not the kind of man her daughter and grandson should be tied to. She had a dark side her husband and daughter lacked, FFXI Gil but it enabled her to see the darkness in others that they missed. She thought Roger Clinton was nothing but trouble. She was right about the trouble part, but not the nothing but. There was more to him than that, which makes his story even sadder.

احمد مساعد

تربوي جديد
عضو ملتقى المعلمين
مشكوررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررين على التحاضير مع تحيات ابو فيصل من تبوك عااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااشق جدة